Tuesday, 1 March 2022

A Perfect Time To Craft Challenge For March, #3-2022

 Welcome to A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge #3-2022, 1st March through to 28th March 2021

Before we get underway today, I need to announce a minor change to how this blog runs.
After finally falling ill last month from exhaustion, I've realised that something need to change for me to be able to remain healthy and still enjoy everything associated with crafting, and that includes running this blog successfully.

Since I've been running this blog, I've found announcing the winners on the last day of each month to be an incredibly difficult deadline to meet. I don't feel I can continue with the stress of just two days to complete the winner's post without making myself sick again.

I have a simple solution but it means I need to make one simple change to how the challenge operates. That change is to move the announcement of the winners post from the last day of each month to the 28th day of the following month, as I have done this month, where I am announcing the January winners as soon as the February challenge has closed, on the 28th of each month (ADST).

This is not a new idea, other challenges give their team leader time to work without the pressures I've been under. I know it means entrants will have to wait to find out if they've won, and I deeply apologise for that, but it also means I'll be able to stay healthy enough to keep running this challenge, retain our awesome sponsors, continue to assist members over in our tutorials Facebook group and take the appropriate time to view each entry properly. I just want to do this last task better, not faster and show the respect to each entry it deserves. The January winners' post showed me just how much difference this change makes. 

Also, this finally means every month's challenge will be able to remain open for the same length of time, as our February challenge just has.

So now, from today, all our winners will be announced on the 28th of the month at 7am, Australian Eastern (Sydney) time (ADST).
This was not an easy decision to make because I don't like making changes but it will mean we have a more consistent date for the winner's announcement post, ie. from being just the last day each month to becoming the 28th of each month.
I thank you all sincerely your understanding!

Now, back to this month's challenge! 

We have TWO new team members joining us this month.
Please welcome Serene George 
Both of these ladies have amazing and unique talents and I'm sure you all will see them as wonderful inspiration in the month's ahead. I know I can't wait to see what these ladies come up with,  theyve already impressed me greatly!

The entire team has been very busy again this month! Here's quick look at their work to inspire you this month.
Inspiration Video
Click to play

February's Winners, Challenge #2- 2022

Our winners from our February challenge will be announced on the 28th of March at 7.00am, ADST Sydney, Australia time. 
Please check back then to see if you're a winner!

Our Winners’ Video is also be published on the following sites each month.

And now, back to this month's challenge!

This is always an Open Challenge and always "Anything Goes”. You're welcome to add unlimited entries per challenge and you may enter any crafting project with any theme.
For full details on our rules and on how to enter, please visit our rules page.

Our prizes consist of…

1st Prize: 3 sponsor images
from the collages below, a certificate and a badge.

2nd Prize: 1 sponsor image from the collages below, a certificate and a badge.

3rd Prize:1 sponsor image
from the collages below, a certificate and a badge.

DT Favourites: a certificate and a badge.

Honorable Mention Winners: a certificate and a badge.

Spotlight Winners: a certificate and a badge.

Our sponsor for this month's challenge are

SheepSki Designs

You can find SheepSki Designs' blog HERE

You can find SheepSki Designs' Facebook Group HERE

You can also find SheepSki Designs' Challenge Blog HERE

SheepSki Designs can also be found on Instagram HERE

And, we also welcome back

You can see the Beat.Paper Facebook Page HERE

Beat.Paper's Ko-fi page can be found HERE

Beat.Paper's Blog can be found HERE

SheepSki Designs and Beat.Paper have generously supplied these images for this challenge.

Here's a closer look at the inspiration from our amazing Design Team, using sponsor's images.

Gill used Selene-Coffee

We can't wait to see all your creations and we wish you all the best of luck in our challenge. We'll be back at the end of the month to announce our multitude of winners!

Don't forget, every entrant is welcome to take our participation badge to add to your blogs and your Facebook pages.

You can enter your projects by clicking the link at the bottom of this post, just above the coments.
Remember, you must link back to this challenge to be eligible for a prize!
Good luck to you all!

If at any time the Linky Tool doesn't appear for you, please use this form to add your entry privately. I will transfer the information provided to add your entry at my earliest possible convenience.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sorry you have been ill Anne and hope you will be completely well soon.
    Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.
    Welcome to the new DT members.

    1. Thank you, Margaret, I'm certainly hoping the changes made will help over time. It's been a painfully slow recovery so far but I remain optimistic! 😊

  2. Sorry to hear you have been unwell and hope you are back to full health soon stress free,I am sure no one actually minds-at least I hope not-waiting for the results! Your health comes first,take care
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, I'm recovering, but it's annoyingly slow.
      I also hope this change isn't a problem for anyone because it changes so much for me behind the scenes. I love doing all this work, I just need time to work with me rather than against me, LOL!❤❤❤

  3. Hi Anne, thank you so much for the warm welcome to this beautiful group. Hope you are doing better now
    DT Serene Teres George

    1. We're lucky to have you and we're looking forward to seeing more from you in months to come.
      Recovery is slow but I'm getting there, thank you!❤❤❤

  4. Sorry everyone, the linky tool site is down at the moment. Please add your entries using the backup entry form and I'll add your entries as soon as the linky tool is active again.


    1. I don't know if you will see this comment or not; but I filled out the form last night. You can discard mine; as I was able to add it today. Thank you for that option. It is such a great idea. Sometimes Mr. Linky is down briefly and other times it is down for longer. Feel better. Big hugs. Gloria


    2. Thanks, Gloria, these came through while I was asleep.😉

  5. I am so sorry that you are having health issues at this time Anne. I do understand completely. I think it is a great idea to change the winners post. It is a lot of work for you each month to try and do the new month and post the old so close together. Please take care of yourself. I filled out the form; but you can discard mine; as I was able to add it today. Thanks for that option. Have a wonderful day. Big hugs. Gloria


    1. Thanks Gloria, that's much appreciated!
      You're right, having both posts going live in two days is just so hard. Moving the date of the winners announcements has made a massive impact already.
      Thanks for adding your entry too. I'm so glad the backup entry form actually did what it was supposed to do with yesterday's Linky Tool outage.😊

  6. Wonderful inspiration cards from the DT members!
